Support Børnecancerfonden
Help us fight childhood cancer
Your donation will help us, the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, fund life-saving research and support for children and their families through treatment.

What we do
We concentrate our efforts on:
- Research
- Support to children with cancer and their families
- Raising awareness
In 2023 we only spent 4.4 % on administration.

Research Gives Hope
Childhood cancer is the most frequent medical cause of death for children over the age of 1 in Denmark. Every 2nd day, a Danish child is diagnosed with cancer. Globally, 400,000 children get cancer every year.
Research is the key to increase survival and minimise long-term side effects of childhood cancer at a global scale. We are the main funder of childhood cancer research in Denmark. Since 2016 alone, Danish researchers have received €35,000,000 from the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation.
Projects with international reach are of high priority to us. Only through cross-border collaboration and international treatment protocols, we can secure progress in childhood cancer survival in Denmark and the rest of the world.

Family Support – a Cornerstone of Our Work
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, life is turned upside down for the entire family.
We bring support and care to children with cancer, siblings, and parents during and after treatment. Families can receive psychological counselling, participate in rehabilitation camps, and apply for grants of various types. We also fund development projects, social activities, and rehabilitation programmes – primarily at the four specialist children’s cancer centres in Denmark.
Today, the survival rate for children with cancer is 85 % in Denmark. As survival improves, it becomes increasingly important to focus on the long-term life of survivors. Therefore, early rehabilitation is a key focus area for us.

Raising Awareness About Childhood Cancer
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, a thousand questions arise: Which treatment is our child facing? What side effects can we expect? Who can we talk to?
We help families with information on their child’s specific cancer diagnosis as well as guidance on how to navigate through the treatment process. Families can search through our knowledge base, order pamphlets, download our information app, and much more. All information materials are prepared in close collaboration with the children’s cancer centres in Denmark. In addition, we annually fund various awareness projects carried out by Danish experts in child cancer.

Want to know more?
Read more about Børnecancerfonden and how we work to improve survival and quality of life for children with cancer through research and family support.